
Nov 30, 2012

Friday's Inspiration 11/30/12

Learning to BE YOURSELF is one of the BIGGEST lessons in life but one that will bring you the most PEACE and HAPPINESS! Be true to yourself. Don't hide the good or bad from others. Rather, allow them to love you as you are, respect your HONESTY, and admire your confidence! It takes COURAGE to BE YOURSELF at ALL TIMES! You don't have to be perfect, BEING YOU is ENOUGH!! Make it a FABULOUS Friday! ♥

Nov 29, 2012

Thursday's Inspiration 11/29/12

Faith without ACTION is like a car without gas, not really getting you anywhere!! You MUST put ENERGY behind your beliefs if you want to see change! Intentions don't matter, ACTION MATTERS!! What's inside makes no difference until we do something with it. So today, TAKE YOUR BELIEFS and ADD ACTION and CREATE MIRACLES!!  ♥

Nov 28, 2012

Wednesday's Inspiration 11/28/12

So many are FROZEN on their path to VICTORY by worry! DON'T let worry stop you! Change your worry (fear) to FAITH and walk thru the fires set before you! Worrying isn't your friend and it does NOTHING for you!! Worry does not empty tomorrow of its empties today of its strength! Let go and learn to SHINE IN FAITH!! YOU CAN DO IT!! Make it a WONDERFUL Wednesday!! ♥

Nov 27, 2012

Tuesday's Inspiration 11/27/12

"It ain't how hard you get hit, it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving FORWARD. How much you can take, and keep moving forward." Rocky's philosophy worked for him and it can work for you too! DON'T QUIT! Even when you feel like all hope is lost, STAND UP and say out loud~ I WILL KEEP TRYING UNTIL I WIN!!! Now get out there and MAKE IT a TERRIFIC TUESDAY!! ♥

Monday's Inspriation 11/26/12

TODAY is a NEW DAY: It's never too late to start over. Learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself & grow. What matters is who YOU are in this moment! Make today MATTER! One of my favorite quotes~ "Every day in Every way, I'm getting better and better!" Happy Monday Y'all!! ♥

Nov 25, 2012

Sunday's Inspiration 11/25/12

“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Luke 6:27-28~ It is easy to love those who love us, but much harder to love those who don't! To those offer Love, Kindness, Compassion, Forgiveness, Understanding... for they are the most precious of gifts that God gives us to share with others... its up to us to share them with EVERYONE!! ♥

Nov 24, 2012

Saturday's Inspiration 11/24/12

This quote used to be a part of my daily mantra~ Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence! Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated failures. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent!~ So who's ready to apply a little PERSISTENCE to their DREAMS today? I AM!!! Have a SUPER PERSISTENT SATURDAY!!! ♥

Nov 23, 2012

Friday's Inspiration 11/23/12

You can not hang around negative people and expect yourself to live a positive life! Your life and the level of your expectations are a direct reflection of who you spend the most time with! Negativity breeds negative thinking, actions and being. LET GO of negativity in your life and become the POSITIVE person you were meant to be!! Anyone else ready for a TGIF? 

Nov 22, 2012

Thursday's Inspiration 11/22/12

Today is a day I wish lasted ALL YEAR LONG! Because when we take time to BE THANKFUL & GRATEFUL for EVERYTHING in our lives there is no room for the negatives like hate, anger or jealousy! Take a moment today to consider HOW BLESSED you TRULY ARE and then take the time to spread those blessings around! There is SO MUCH to be THANKFUL FOR!! So make it a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Now off you go to gobble till you wobble!! ♥

Nov 21, 2012

Wednesday's Inspiration 11/21/12

SHINING your LIGHT for others to see isn't being arrogant it's being GRATEFUL! It's an honor to SHINE in GLORY of what you have been given! As long as you use your gifts to help others they will keep coming! People who SHINE aren't perfect! They are simply BLESSED! Listen, scars of the past keep you humble but those experiences have made you STRONG! STRONG enough to SHINE!! Make it a BRIGHT WINSday!! ♥

Nov 20, 2012

Tuesday's Inspiration 11/20/12

Life is a CHOICE and about CHOICES! The sooner you learn YOU are in control of your emotions and well being the happier you will CHOOSE to be! No one can MAKE YOU feel a certain way unless you CHOOSE to allow them! The next time you are starting to feel sad or depressed, STOP! And CHOOSE HAPPINESS!! -->YOU DESERVE IT!!<-- Wishing EVERYONE a HAPPY Tuesday!! ♥

Nov 19, 2012

Monday's Inspiration 11/19/12

BEAUTY is not about the clothes you wear, the number on the scale, or brand of makeup you put on your face! BEAUTY is not an age, a skin color or even a hair color! BEAUTY comes from how you LIVE your life! Beauty is how you treat a stranger when they ask for help. Sometimes it can be as simple as a SMILE! Today, take the time to show the WORLD how BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE!! ♥

Nov 18, 2012

Sunday's Inspiration 11/18/12

Life was never designed to be easy it was designed to be WORTH living! The challenges you face are not happening TO you they are happening FOR you! Every victory leads you to another opportunity to grow! Sometimes we have to learn not to use our words to describe the "situation" we are in but instead use our words to CHANGE it!! Start living with PASSION and LOVE each day with full knowledge that it will make you a better person tomorrow if you let it!! Have a BLESSED SUNDAY!! ♥

Nov 17, 2012

Saturday's Inspiration 11/17/12

Sometimes the BIGGEST thing holding us back from success is OURSELVES!! If you subconsciously are telling yourself, you aren't good enough or you can't do it, then you never will!! You can not rise above the image YOU have of yourself in your own MIND! Today is a GREAT day to GET A BETTER VISION OF YOU!! Learn to be your own BIGGEST CHEERLEADER!! Because when you change your self-talk, you change YOU! Make it a STUPENDOUS SATURDAY!! ♥

Nov 16, 2012

Friday's Inspiration 11/16/12

Don't Quit! As a child we don't know the meaning of quitting but as life goes on, some find it easier to quit than deal with the pain of defeat. Here's a thought~ How long would you give a baby to learn how to walk? If your answer "Until they learned" then RE-APPLY that attitude to YOUR LIFE! KEEP TRYING until YOU SUCCEED!! You never know how close you are "So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit– It’s when things seem worst that you MUST not quit.” ♥

Nov 15, 2012

Thursday's Inspiration 11/15/12

The ONLY thing that keeps us from gaining the life we want is FEAR! 
Fear can keep you from the BEST things in life! 
You have two choices when it comes to fear, 
you can either CONFRONT fear, and do it afraid, or let fear control your life! 
Don't let fear control you! Find your FAITH and show fear who's in charge! 
Let go and let your life begin!! 
Make it a FEARLESS Thursday!! ♥

Nov 14, 2012

Wednesday's Inspiration 11/14/12

ANYTHING is REACHABLE to those who dare to REACH OUT! 
Your DESTINY is up to YOU! Don't wait for tomorrow~ MAKE IT HAPPEN TODAY!! 
Happy WONDERFUL WINSday!! Who's ready to SHINE? ♥

Nov 13, 2012

Tuesday's Inspiration 11/13/12

NEVER underestimate the POWER of WORDS! Especially the ones you say to yourself everyday! We must learn the habit of POSITIVE INCANTATIONS and let go of negative incan'tations!! The old saying~ If you think YOU CAN- YOU CAN is TRUE!! So, what are you going to tell yourself today? Let's start with..."I BELIEVE I CAN _____..." Make it a TREMENDOUSLY SUCCESSFUL Tuesday!! ♥

Nov 12, 2012

Monday's Inspiration 11/12/12

When you limit your choices only to what SEEMS possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise! Practice seeing EVERYTHING as POSSIBLE and set yourself free to SOAR! It's all about your passion, not potential, your choices not chances! Today, CHOOSE to reach for the STARS!! Make it a MAGICAL Monday!! ♥

Nov 11, 2012

Sunday's Inspiration 11/11/12

I see and hear so many people saying they wish they had someone else to complete their life. NEWSFLASH~ If your life is not complete with JUST YOU someone else is only going to make it harder! Learn to find the LOVE you desire from YOURSELF! When you are complete as one is when you are ready to be paired! Spend today LOVING YOURSELF and letting go of anything that keeps you from that! I hope EVERYONE has a BLESSED and LOVING Sunday!! ♥

Nov 10, 2012

Saturday's Inspiration 11/10/12

"Anybody can be great! Because anybody can SERVE! You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You don't have to to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a HEART FULL OF GRACE! A soul generated by LOVE!" MLK~ I think he makes the point quite clearly! What will YOU DO to SERVE OTHERS today? Make it a GRACIOUS Saturday!!

Nov 9, 2012

Friday's Inspiration 11/09/12

We should all learn to face life with COURAGE and say, "I will not fear, because greater is he who is in me than he that is in the world"! We must realize that we are NOT on this earth by accident! There is a PLAN and a PURPOSE for your life! Face today with COURAGE and START LIVING with PURPOSE!! Today is a perfect day to SHINE!! Make it a FEARLESS FRIDAY!! ♥

Nov 8, 2012

Thursday's Inspiration 11/08/12

People often say "Knowledge is Power" but I believe knowledge is ONLY the potential for power! ACTION is POWER! Look at the difference in things you believe you "should" do verses things you believe you "must" do! Let's face it, we are only as good as our words and our words are only as good as our actions! Today is a great day to TAKE ACTION!! Happy Thursday Everyone!! ♥

Nov 7, 2012

Wednesday's Inspiration 11/07/12

Excuses are what hold you back! Results are what push you forward! 
If you are finding more excuses than results in your life take a good look at your PASSION! If you are on fire to make something happen in your life than you are driven everyday to find a way!! When your PASSION and PURPOSE are greater than your fears and excuses~ VICTORY isn't far off!! Today, GET EXCITED about what you want and GET MOVING to make it happen!! Happy WINSday!! ♥

Nov 6, 2012

Tuesday's Inspiration 11/06/12

"The most perfect act of love is SACRIFICE!" 
True LOVE in ANY relationship requires some amount of sacrifice to be AUTHENTIC! 
If the love you are giving or receiving doesn't have even the smallest amount then it probably isn't love at all. Every AMAZING RELATIONSHIP requires some give and every give makes the relationship that much STRONGER! What will you offer those you love today? 

Nov 5, 2012

Monday's Inspiration 11/05/12

The good book says "Judge not lest ye be judged". When you focus on blaming and criticizing others, you are simply avoiding the truth about yourself! One of our greatest handicaps is self-deception. 
We cannot recognize in ourselves the faults we criticize in others. 
Learn to FOCUS on YOU and YOUR PATH! 
Have the strength & courage to allow yourself to be who you truly are! Learn to LOVE YOUR SHINE! Have a MARVELOUS Monday Y'all!! ♥

Nov 4, 2012

Sunday's Inspiration 11/04/12

Our times of tribulations are designed for us to FIND our COURAGE, STRENGTH & FAITH! 
During theses times we learn what we are made of and GROW from the experience! 
So be careful about what you THINK and SAY during your times of trials and tribulations. 
The attitude you have while in the wilderness determines how long you stay there! 
Today DECLARE where you want to be and enjoy the journey getting there! 
Have a BLESSED SUNDAY Y'all! ♥

Nov 3, 2012

Saturday's Inspiration 11/03/12

We weren't created to be average! We weren't created to barely get by! 
WE were created to EXCEL! To live a life of ABUNDANCE! Your path to excellence is already there! It's up to you to FIND IT and START LIVING IT! What are you waiting for? 
Today is a great day to SOAR!! Make it a HIGH FLYING Saturday!!

Nov 2, 2012

Friday's Inspiration 11/02/12

Too many people take the time to plan their day but not their life! 
Well here are a few good "turns" to take~ 
Turn your dreams into goals. Turn your goals into projects. Turn your projects into plans. 
Turn your plans into actions. Turn your actions into dreams coming true! 
Now who's ready to MAKE this Friday FANTABULOUS?!! 
TGIF Y'all!!

Nov 1, 2012

Thursday's Inspiration 11/01/12

Today- it's about GRATITUDE!! Everyone say it with me... "I'm not where I need to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be!" Take a moment and look around and BE GRATEFUL!! Even for the smallest things that make your life better! Believe me when I say GRATITUDE is the KEY to ABUNDANCE! Now get out there and MAKE IT a GRATEFUL Thursday!! ♥